The Jungle Captive

The Jungle Captive is a 1945 sequel to Jungle Woman 1944, which had been preceded by Captive Wild Woman 1943. The Jungle Captive features Otto Kruger, Amelita Ward, and Rondo Hatton as a character named Moloch. Vicky Lane plays Paula Dupree, a lead character from the two earlier films. The film was written by Dwight V. Babcock and directed by Harold Young.

The police, led by Inspector Harrigan Jerome Cowan manage to discover a clue, a medical smock, found near the wreckage of the ambulance. They trace it to Mr. Stendahls lab, where Harrigan finds that it belongs to Don, making him suspicious of the young lab assistant. Ann, present during his questioning, offers a fake alibi to cover for her fianc.Later, Stendahl abducts Ann and transports her to his secret lab, the desolate house on Old Orchard Road that contains Moloch and the body of the Ape Woman. He plans to use a portion of Anns blood to revive the creature. Moloch, enamored with the pretty new houseguest, becomes very protective of her. With her blood, the biochemist is successful in restoring life to the beast. In order to fully prove his theory, he knows he will need to convert her to human form. He sends Moloch to secure the records of the late Dr. Walters, which remain in the possession of Dr. Fletcher. A later dialog exchange reveals that the hapless Fletcher was killed during the theft. ........

Source: Wikipedia